Goodbye October, Hello November …

So it’s like this.  It’s probably no surprise that one of the most popular topics today is Kim Kardashian’s divorce.  Most people are not at all surprised that her marriage to Kris Humphries only lasted 72 days, but although I was once willing to hedge bets on how short lived it would be, even I can’t go there right now.  That’s sad, and I imagine it’s worse to have the whole thing play out on TV.  So instead, let’s focus on an altogether more upbeat, less Mean Girls topic: goodbye October, hello November!October is my favorite month of the whole year, and even though it betrayed me toward the end with a massive horrible storm that knocked down trees and basketball hoops all over my neighborhood, I’m still going to miss it terribly.  November promises to bring in lots of great things, too: time with my family and my in-laws, way too much food for any single person to eat, and lots of fun stressing about having enough money for presents, buying presents, and hoping to have enough money left over after buying presents.

There are a lot of special events and activities in November.  In addition to Thanksgiving, the month celebrates awareness for such things as COPD, Pancreatic Cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, Diabetes, Homeless Youth, Breast Cancer, and Crohn’s Disease.  It’s National Novel Writing Month — NaNoWriMo — and Native American Heritage Month.  It’s even classified as International Drum Month!  It ushers in the beginning of winter and the true holiday season.  It’s a month of celebration for many reasons.
So, let’s celebrate instead of focusing on the bad things, even if they aren’t happening to us.  Why was October special for you?  What are you looking forward to in November?  Will you be participating in any of the aforementioned activities?


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