Dating sites seem to be prevalent on the net, but how many unique ones are there? Well, I was curious, so I searched until I found what I think are the 7 most unique dating websites still running today. Take a look at the descriptions below and see what you think.
The Geek 2 Geek dating site is for uber smart people who are seeking other uber smart people. On this site it seems like you can truly be yourself, no matter what the extent of your geekiness is. This site was designed to help geeks find people they can click with. The best quote on the ‘About Gk2Gk’ page is: Geeks make the best friends and lovers, because they’re smart and they’re loyal. Hmmm. This makes geeks sound less human and more canine like! Overall, it looks like a great site for geeks to find love and friendship among people with similar tastes.
No matter what your health condition is, you can find someone who has a similar one. Whether you are an amputee, paraplegic, suffer from Crohn’s disease, spina bifida, polio, or any other type of health condition, you just might be able to find your match on here. Even if you are simply looking for a casual relationship or friendship, as opposed to starting up a romance, it’s possible through this dating site.
Rich men seeking beautiful women seem to flock to this dating site. Supposedly it’s free to join, as long as you follow the Terms of Service. One portion of the Terms of Service states that “You will not request the service of a money slave.” This is where you pay someone to degrade you. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical of this site when I first heard about it. I thought it might be rather sleazy. It turns out that they have an extremely long list of rules that are expected to be followed. In short; be polite, don’t lie about who you are or what you want, and you’ll enjoy what this dating site has to offer.
Trekkie fans unite! Actually, this dating site is devoted to people who love all forms of Sci-Fi; Star Trek, Star Wars, Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Douglas Adams, and many more. I love the line in the introduction on front page of this dating site that asks: Feel like you are always wearing a red shirt in your relationships? In case you aren’t familiar with a lot of the Star Trek episodes, the person in the red shirt is always the first to die.
Are you afflicted with an STD and seeking another in the same situation? Well, if you are then this is the dating site for you. Honestly! It’s a completely anonymous dating site and you can click your gender, the gender of the person you are seeking, and the type of STD you have tested positive for. The list of STDs to choose from is lengthy; you name it and it’s most likely on there.
This dating site is geared towards individuals who are small in stature. Little People around the world sign up on this dating site to meet others like themselves. There is a charge to join this site, but the first 7 days are free. I like it when dating sites offer a free trial membership and give new members the freedom to change their mind later on if they wish.
1. ZombieHarmony
This dating site was created by The slogan on this dating site is “…because the apocalypse doesn’t have to be lonely.” When searching the Zombie Singles you can check whether you are a ‘slow-moving’, ‘fast-moving’, or an ‘immobile’ zombie and which of these three types of zombies you are searching for. You are also supposed to check how many limbs you have attached still (if any) and how rotten you are. Ew. Oh, there are also three boxes at the bottom of this section where you check what you are interested in; groaning, lumbering, or gnawing. If you happen upon this site and you aren’t a zombie, don’t worry, there is a button for non-zombies to click as well!
Well, out of this list of the 7 most unique dating websites, which one did you find to be rather interesting?
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